Applicable Products: Notebook, Desktop, All-in-One PC, Gaming Handheld, Motherboard, Graphics card, LCD Monitor, Mini

Reinstalling the operating system can restore your system to its original configuration và help you fix many software issues on your device, such as slow system performance or malware infections. When using the built-in reset feature in Windows, you can choose from two different options for resetting:

Note: If your device has Device Encryption or Bit
Locker Encryption enabled, you may need the Bit
Locker key lớn reset your system. If you"re unsure about your Bit
Locker key, please refer to lớn this article: Find my Bit
Locker recovery key.

Bạn đang xem: Cách reset win 11

Note: Before performing the reset operation, be sure to back up important files & data lớn prevent accidental loss.

Note: For commercial notebook, commercial desktop, and commercial All-in-One PC, hãng asus System Reset is a standard feature in all asus commercial computers with Windows OS, compliant with the methods specified in IEEE P2883.

Reset the system và keep your file

This reset option will reinstall the Windows operating system và preserve your personal files, such as photos, music, videos, & personal documents. It will remove installed applications & drivers, as well as revert any changes you made lớn the settings.

Note: Resetting your device will take a considerable amount of time. During the reset process, your screen may go đen for an extended period và your device may restart on its own. Please ensure that your device is plugged in and avoid forcefully shutting it down khổng lồ prevent any issues that could lead lớn a failed reset.

Table of Contents: provides two methods for reinstalling Windows, & you can choose either method to proceed. (Please lưu ý that the time required for reinstalling Windows may vary from 30 minutes lớn several hours, depending on the specific model/specifications of your device.)

Method 1: Perform a Windows reinstallation through the reset option in Windows settings

Please refer to the appropriate operating instructions based on the current version of your Windows operating system on your device:

Windows 11 operating system

To provide you more detailed instruction, you can also click hãng asus You
Tube video clip link below to know more about How to lớn reset system in Windows 11:

Type and search in the Windows search bar①, then click ②.In the Reset this PC field, click ③.Select ④.Select ⑤.Note: If you cannot reinstall Windows via Local reinstall or any errors occurred, you are able to choose Cloud download khổng lồ reinstall Windows. (Your device needs to lớn be in an available internet environment for Cloud download.)Click ⑥.Set the option as Yes⑦, then select ⑧.Note: If your device is with built-in Windows operating system, it will remove all hãng asus apps và settings that came preinstalled on your device once you phối the option as No.Confirm the settings are correct, then select ⑨.You may receive the following notification, select ⑩ lớn continue the reset process.Click ⑪.All your applications will be removed after resetting the device. The following apps that cannot be reinstalled from Store, so you will need to reinstall these apps from the website or installation discs. Select ⑫ khổng lồ continue the next step.Select ⑬ khổng lồ start reinstalling Windows, and your device will restart after the reinstallation is completed.Note: Please make sure that the AC adapter is connected during the reset process. Also, please vì chưng not force to lớn shut down lớn prevent any issue.

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Windows 10 operating system

To provide you more detailed instruction, you can also click hãng asus You
Tube đoạn clip link below to lớn know more about How to lớn reset the system and keep my personal files

Type and tìm kiếm ① in the Windows search bar, then click ②.Click ③.Select ④.Select ⑤.Note: If you cannot reinstall Windows via Local reinstall or any errors occurred, you are able to lớn choose Cloud download to reinstall Windows. (Your device needs khổng lồ be in an available mạng internet environment for Cloud download.)Click ⑥.Set the option as Yes⑦, then select ⑧.Note: If your device is with built-in Windows 10 operating system, it will remove all asus apps & settings that came preinstalled on your device once you phối the option as No.Confirm the settings are correct, then select ⑨.Click ⑩.All your applications will be removed after resetting the device. The following apps that cannot be reinstalled from Store, so you will need to lớn reinstall these apps from the website or installation discs. Select ⑪ lớn continue the next step.
Select ⑫ to start reinstalling Windows, and your device will restart after the reinstallation is completed.Note: Please make sure that the AC adapter is connected during the reset process. Also, please vì chưng not force khổng lồ shut down to prevent any issue.

Back to lớn Table of Contents

Method 2: Perform a Windows reinstallation using the Windows Recovery Environment (Win
After the device enters Windows Recovery Environment, select ①.Select ②.Select ③.Select your account④.Enter the password for this account⑤, then select ⑥. If you didn’t mix up a password for this account, please select Continue directly.Select ⑦.If you cannot reinstall Windows viaLocal reinstallor any errors occurred, you are able lớn chooseCloud downloadto reinstall Windows. (Your device needs lớn be in an available internet environment for Cloud download.)Select ⑧ to lớn start reinstalling Windows.Note: Please make sure that the AC adapter is connected during the reset process. Also, please vì not force to lớn shut down to prevent any issue.

Back lớn Table of Contents

Reset the system và remove everything

This is a highly comprehensive reset operation as it will replace the current Windows settings with a fresh setup. User accounts, files, settings, asus pre-installed software, & Windows Store applications will be deleted.

This option is designed for users who want to lớn start completely fresh with their device, as it will remove everything and reset the Windows operating system.

Note: If your device was upgraded from Windows 10 to Windows 11, resetting this device will prevent you from reverting to lớn the previous operating system version.

Note: Resetting your device will take a considerable amount of time. During the reset process, your screen may go black for an extended period và your device may restart on its own. Please ensure that your device is plugged in and avoid forcefully shutting it down khổng lồ prevent any issues that could lead khổng lồ a failed reset.

To provide you more detailed instruction, you can also click asus You
Tube clip link below to know more about How toreset the system và remove allpersonal files, apps và settings

Table of Contents: provides two methods for reinstalling Windows, and you can choose either method to proceed. (Please lưu ý that the time required for reinstalling Windows may vary from 30 minutes to lớn several hours, depending on the specific model/specifications of your device.)

Method 1: Perform a Windows reinstallation through the reset option in Windows settings

Please refer to the appropriate operating instructions based on the current version of your Windows operating system on your device:

Windows 11 operating systemType and tìm kiếm in the Windows search bar①, then click ②.Click ③ in Reset this PC field.Select ④.Select ⑤.Note: If you cannot reinstall Windows via Local reinstall or any errors occurred, you are able to choose Cloud download khổng lồ reinstall Windows. (Your device needs to lớn be in an available mạng internet environment for Cloud download.)Click ⑥.Based on your request, select the appropriate settings⑦, then click ⑧.Confirm the settings, then click ⑨.You may receive the following notification, select ⑩ khổng lồ continue the reset process.Click ⑪ lớn start reinstalling Windows, và your device will restart after the reinstallation is completed.Note: Please make sure that the AC adapter is connected during the reset process. Also, please vày not force khổng lồ shut down during the reset process to prevent any issue.

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Windows 10 operating systemType and search in the Windows tìm kiếm bar①, then click ②.Click ③ in Reset this PC section.Select ④.Click ⑤.Based on your request, select the appropriate settings⑥, then click ⑦.Confirm the settings, then click ⑧.Please make sure that the AC adapter is connected before resetting the device, otherwise, you will see the notice below.Click ⑨. The device will start to lớn reinstall Windows.Note: Please make sure that the AC adapter is connected during the reset process. Also, please bởi vì not force to lớn shut down during the reset process to lớn prevent any issue.

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Method 2: Perform a Windows reinstallation using the Windows Recovery Environment (Win
After the device enters Windows Recovery Environment, select ①.Select ②.Select ③.Select ④.Note: If you cannot reinstall Windows viaLocal reinstallor any errors occurred, you are able khổng lồ chooseCloud downloadto reinstall Windows. (Your device needs lớn be in an available mạng internet environment for Cloud download.)Based on your request, select the appropriate settings⑤.Click ⑥. The device will start lớn reinstall Windows.Note: Please make sure that the AC adapter is connected during the reset process. Also, please vì not force khổng lồ shut down during the reset process khổng lồ prevent any issue.

Back to Table of Contents

If you"re having problems with your PC, the following table can help you decide which recovery option to lớn use.


See this section

Your PC isn"t working well và you recently installed an update

Remove an installed Windows update

Your PC isn’t working well và it’s been a while since you installed an ứng dụng or changed system settings

Reset your PC

Your PC won"t start or is still loading

Use the Startup Repair function

Your PC won"t start, you haven"t created a recovery drive, and resetting your PC didn"t work

Use installation truyền thông to reinstall Windows 11

Your PC won"t start & you haven"t created a recovery drive

Use installation truyền thông media to restore your PC

Your PC won"t start & you"ve created a recovery drive

Use a recovery drive khổng lồ restore or recover your PC

You want to lớn reinstall your previous operating system

Go back to lớn your previous version of Windows

Your PC isn"t working well & you recently installed an app

Restore from a system restore point

You suspect your device has been infected

Use installation media to reinstall Windows 11

Select one of the recovery options below và follow the steps khổng lồ try khổng lồ get things working again.

Resetting reinstalls Windows 11, but lets you choose whether to lớn keep your files or remove them, và then reinstalls Windows. You can reset your PC from Settings, the sign-in screen, or by using a recovery drive or installation media.

To complete the reset, connect lớn a network & follow the instructions on your PC.

Reset your PC from Settings

Next to Reset this PC , select Reset PC. Then choose from the options and/or settings in the table below.


What it does

Keep my files > Change settings > Preinstalled apps On

Reinstalls Windows 11 & keeps your personal files.

Removes apps you installed.

Removes changes you made to settings.

Restores any apps your PC manufacturer installed.

Keep my files > Change settings > Preinstalled apps Off

Reinstalls Windows 11 and keeps your personal files.

Removes apps you installed.

Removes changes you made khổng lồ settings.

Removes any apps your PC manufacturer installed.

Remove everything

Reinstalls Windows 11 và removes your personal files.

Removes apps you installed.

Removes changes you made to lớn settings.

Removes any apps your PC manufacturer installed.


Remove everything > Change settings gives you two options.

Data erasure On removes files & cleans the drive. If you"re planning to lớn donate, recycle, or sell your PC, use this option. This might take an hour or two, but it makes it harder for other people lớn recover files you"ve removed.

Data erasure Off just removes files. It takes less time, but is less secure.

The data erasure functionality is targeted at consumers and does not meet government & industry data erasure standards.

Reset your PC from the sign-in screen

If you can"t open Settings, you can reset your PC from the sign-in screen. Here’s how:

Press Windows logo sản phẩm key + L to get to the sign-in screen. Then restart your PC by pressing the Shift key while you select the Power button  > Restart .

Your PC will restart in the Windows Recovery Environment (Win
RE) environment.

On the Choose an option screen, select Troubleshoot > Reset this PC, & then choose one of the options in the previous table.

First, you need khổng lồ enter the Windows Recovery Environment (win
RE). To bởi vì this, you will repeatedly turn your device off, then on:

Hold down the power button for 10 seconds khổng lồ turn off your device.

Press the power button again to turn on your device.

On the first sign that Windows has started (for example, some devices show the manufacturer’s biệu tượng công ty when restarting) hold down the power nguồn button for 10 seconds to turn off your device.

Press the nguồn button again to turn on your device.

When Windows starts again, hold down the nguồn button for 10 seconds lớn turn off your device.

Press the nguồn button again khổng lồ turn on your device.

This time, allow your device to lớn fully start up.

Select Advanced options.

Now that you"re in win
RE, on the Choose an option
screen, select Troubleshoot > Advanced options > Startup Repair > Restart.


Having trouble playing the video? Watch it on You

To reinstall Windows 11 while Windows is running: 

Connect the installation truyền thông media you created to your PC.

Open File Explorer  and select the drive with the installation media.

From the root directory of the drive, double-click setup.exe, and then select Yes when asked if you’d lượt thích to allow the ứng dụng to make changes lớn your device.

Select Change what to lớn keep.

Select one of the following options, & then select Next:

Keep personal files and apps – This will preserve your personal data, apps, và settings.

Keep personal files only – This will preserve your personal data & settings, but all your apps will be removed.

Keep nothing – This will remove all personal data, settings, và apps.

Warning: You cannot undo a reinstallation of Windows 10. Be sure to back up your files first if you choose the Keep nothingoption. 

To finish, select Install to start reinstalling Windows 11 on your PC.

Your PC will restart several times during the reinstallation.

To reinstall Windows 11 by starting your PC using installation media:

Connect the installation truyền thông media you created khổng lồ your PC.

Start your PC using the installation media.

Note: Check with the PC manufacturer on how khổng lồ start the PC using media.

When Windows cài đặt starts, select Next and then Install now.

If you have a Windows 11 hàng hóa key, enter it when prompted. Otherwise, select I don’t have a sản phẩm key.

If prompted, select a Windows edition (e.g. Home, Pro) to install và then select Next.

When prompted to lớn choose a type of installation, select Custom: Install Windows only (advanced).

Select the disk or partition khổng lồ which Windows 11 should be installed.

Note: If you suspect that your PC has been infected, consider deleting the existing partitions & reinstalling Windows 11 onto a clean disk. Your data on any deleted partitions will be lost.

Select Next to start reinstalling Windows 11 on your PC.

Your PC will restart several times during the reinstallation.

If your PC won"t start & you haven"t created a recovery drive, download installation truyền thông and use it to restore from a system restore point or reset your PC.

Download the Windows 11 media creation tool and then run it.

Select Create installation truyền thông media for another PC.

Choose a language, edition, & architecture (64-bit or 32-bit).

Follow the steps to lớn create installation media, và then select Finish.

Connect the installation media you created khổng lồ your nonfunctional PC, và then turn it on.

On the initial thiết đặt screen, enter your language and other preferences, & then select Next. If you don"t see the thiết đặt screen, your PC might not be phối up to boot from a drive. Check your PC manufacturer"s website for info on how to lớn change your PC"s boot order, & then try again.

Select Repair your computer.

On the Choose an option screen, select Troubleshoot. From there, you can:

Restore from a system restore point by selecting Advanced options > System Restore. This will remove recently installed apps, drivers, & updates that might be causing your PC problems. Restoring from a restore point won’t affect your personal files.

To restore or recover using the recovery drive: 

Connect the recovery drive and turn on your PC.

Press Windows biểu tượng logo key + L to get khổng lồ the sign-in screen, & then restart your PC by pressing the Shift key while you select the Power button > Restart .

Your PC will restart in the Windows Recovery Environment (Win
RE) environment.

On the Choose an option screen, select Troubleshoot, & then select one of the following two options. (If you don’t see the Choose your option screen, your PC might not be phối up to boot from a drive. Kiểm tra your PC manufacturer’s website for info on how to change your PC’s boot order.)

To restore from a system restore point, select Advanced Options > System Restore. This won"t affect your personal files, but it will remove recently installed apps, drivers, and updates that might be causing your PC problems.

To reinstall Windows 11, select Advanced Options Recover from a drive. This will remove your personal files, apps và drivers you installed, & changes you made to lớn settings.

For a limited time after upgrading to Windows 11, you’ll be able khổng lồ go back to lớn your previous version of Windows by selecting Start Settings  > System  > Recovery . Next to Go back , select Go back. This will keep your personal files, but it"ll remove apps & drivers installed after the upgrade, as well as any changes you made lớn settings. In most cases, you"ll have 10 days to go back. Open Recovery settings

To go back, you"ll need to:

Keep everything in the windows.old and $windows.~bt folders after the upgrade.

Remove any user accounts you added after the upgrade.

Have the USB drive you used lớn upgrade lớn Windows 11 (if you used one).


The option in Settings to lớn go back lớn your previous version of Windows is only available for a limited time after upgrading.

Apps that have been added, removed, or updated after the tăng cấp might not be available or function properly after going back to the previous version of Windows.

Info for Windows Insiders

If you’re an Insider and the current preview build isn’t working for you, select Start Settings  > System  > Recovery . Next to Go back , select Go back. This won’t remove your personal files, but it’ll remove recently installed apps & drivers, và change settings back to their defaults.

Going back to an earlier build won’t remove you from the Insider Program. When the next preview build is ready, it"ll be installed on your PC.

This option takes your PC back to an earlier point in time, called a system restore point. Restore points are generated when you install a new app or driver, & when you create a restore point manually. Restoring won’t affect your personal files, but it will remove apps, drivers, và updates installed after the restore point was made.

In the search box on the taskbar, type control panel, và then choose it from the danh sách of results.

In the Control Panel tìm kiếm box, type recovery.

Select Recovery Open System Restore.

In the Restore system files and settings box, select Next.

Select the restore point that you want to lớn use in the danh mục of results, và then select Scan for affected programs.


If you don’t see the restore point that you want khổng lồ use, select the Show more restore points check box to lớn see more restore points.

If you’re not seeing any restore points, it might be because system protection isn’t turned on. Here’s how lớn check:

In the search box on the taskbar, type control panel, và then choose it from the menu of results.

In the Control Panel tìm kiếm box, type recovery.

Xem thêm: Hướng dẫn cài win 10 cho laptop asus mới mua, hướng dẫn tự cài win 10 tại nhà chi tiết

Select Recovery > Configure System Restore > Configure and see if the Turn on system protection option is selected.

If the Turn on system protection option is not selected, system protection isn’t turned on and there aren"t any restore points. In this scenario, you won"t be able to recovery your PC using a system restore point & will need to use one of the other recovery options listed on this page.

If the Turn on system protection option is selected, continue with step 6.

You"ll see a danh sách of items that will be deleted if you remove this restore point. If you"re OK with the deletions, select Close > Next > Finish.

If you"re having problems with your PC, the following table can help you decide which recovery option to use.


See this section

Your PC isn"t working well & you recently installed an update.

Remove an installed Windows update

Your PC isn’t working well & it’s been a while since you installed an ứng dụng or changed system settings.

Reset your PC

Your PC won"t start or is still loading

Use the Startup Repair function

Your PC won"t start, you haven"t created a recovery drive, and resetting your PC didn"t work.

Use installation truyền thông media to reinstall Windows 10

Your PC won"t start và you haven"t created a recovery drive.

Use installation truyền thông to restore your PC

Your PC won"t start & you"ve created a recovery drive.

Use a recovery drive lớn restore or recover your PC

You want to reinstall your previous operating system.

Go back to lớn your previous version of Windows

Your PC isn"t working well and you recently installed an app.

Restore from a system restore point

You suspect your device has been infected.

Use installation truyền thông media to reinstall Windows 10

Click one of the recovery options below and follow the steps lớn try to get things working again.

Resetting reinstalls Windows 10, but lets you choose whether to lớn keep your files or remove them, và then reinstalls Windows. You can reset your PC from Settings, the sign-in screen, or by using a recovery drive or installation media.

To complete the reset, connect to lớn a network & follow the instructions on your PC.

Reset your PC from Settings

Under Reset this PC, select Get started và then choose from the options and/or settings in the table below.


What it does

Keep my files > Change settings > Preinstalled apps On

Reinstalls Windows 10 & keeps your personal files.

Removes apps you installed.

Removes changes you made khổng lồ settings.

Restores any apps your PC manufacturer installed.

Keep my files > Change settings > Preinstalled apps Off

Reinstalls Windows 10 and keeps your personal files.

Removes apps you installed.

Removes changes you made lớn settings.

Removes any apps your PC manufacturer installed.

Remove everything

Reinstalls Windows 10 và removes your personal files.

Removes apps you installed.

Removes changes you made khổng lồ settings.

Removes any apps your PC manufacturer installed.


Remove everything > Change settings gives you two options.

Data erasure On removes files và cleans the drive. If you"re planning lớn donate, recycle, or sell your PC, use this option. This might take an hour or two, but it makes it harder for other people lớn recover files you"ve removed.

Data erasure Off just removes files. It takes less time, but is less secure.

Reset your PC from the sign-in screen

If you can"t open Settings, you can reset your PC from the sign-in screen. Here’s how:

Press Windows logo sản phẩm key + L khổng lồ get khổng lồ the sign-in screen, & then restart your PC by pressing the Shift key while you select the Power  button > Restart in the lower-right corner of the screen.

Your PC will restart in the Windows Recovery Environment (Win
RE) environment.

On the Choose an option screen, select Troubleshoot > Reset this PC, & then choose one of the options in the previous table.

First, you need khổng lồ enter the Windows Recovery Environment (win
RE). To do this, you will repeatedly turn your device off, then on:

Hold down the nguồn button for 10 seconds khổng lồ turn off your device.

Press the nguồn button again to turn on your device.

On the first sign that Windows has started (for example, some devices show the manufacturer’s biểu tượng logo when restarting) hold down the power button for 10 seconds to turn off your device.

Press the power button again lớn turn on your device.

When Windows starts again, hold down the power button for 10 seconds khổng lồ turn off your device.

Press the nguồn button again khổng lồ turn on your device.

This time, allow your device khổng lồ fully start up.

Select Advanced options.

Now that you"re in win
RE, on the Choose an option
screen, select Troubleshoot > Advanced options > Startup Repair > Restart.

To reinstall Windows 10 while Windows is running: 

Connect the installation truyền thông media you created to your PC.

Open File Explorer  and select the drive with the installation media.

From the root directory of the drive, double-click setup.exe, và then select Yes when asked if you’d lượt thích to allow the app to make changes khổng lồ your device.

Select Change what to keep.

Select one of the following options, và then select Next:

Keep personal files and apps – This will preserve your personal data, apps, & settings.

Keep personal files only – This will preserve your personal data và settings, but all your apps will be removed.

Keep nothing – This will remove all personal data, settings, and apps.

Warning: You cannot undo a reinstallation of Windows 10. Be sure to back up your files first if you choose the Keep nothing option. 

To finish, select Install to start reinstalling Windows 10 on your PC.

Your PC will restart several times during the reinstallation.

To reinstall Windows 10 by starting your PC using installation media:

Connect the installation truyền thông media you created khổng lồ your PC.

Start your PC using the installation media.

Note: Check with the PC manufacturer on how to start the PC using media.

When Windows thiết lập starts, select Next and then Install now.

If you have a Windows 10 product key, enter it when prompted. Otherwise, select I don’t have a sản phẩm key.

If prompted, select a Windows edition (e.g. Home, Pro) to install và then select Next.

When prompted lớn choose a type of installation, select Custom: Install Windows only (advanced).

Select the disk or partition lớn which Windows 10 should be installed.

Note: If you suspect that your PC has been infected, consider deleting the existing partitions & reinstalling Windows 10 onto a clean disk. Your data on any deleted partitions will be lost.

Select Next to start reinstalling Windows 10 on your PC.

Your PC will restart several times during the reinstallation.

If your PC won"t start & you haven"t created a recovery drive, download installation media and use it to lớn restore from a system restore point or reset your PC.

Download the Windows 10 truyền thông creation tool and then run it.

Select Create installation media for another PC.

Choose a language, edition, & architecture (64-bit or 32-bit).

Follow the steps to lớn create installation media, and then select Finish.

Connect the installation truyền thông you created lớn your nonfunctional PC, và then turn it on.

On the initial thiết đặt screen, enter your language & other preferences, & then select Next. If you don"t see the thiết đặt screen, your PC might not be mix up khổng lồ boot from a drive. Kiểm tra your PC manufacturer"s website for info on how khổng lồ change your PC"s boot order, và then try again.

Select Repair your computer.

On the Choose an option screen, select Troubleshoot. From there, you can:

Restore from a system restore point by selecting Advanced options > System Restore. This will remove recently installed apps, drivers, & updates that might be causing your PC problems. Restoring from a restore point won’t affect your personal files.

To restore or recover using the recovery drive: 

Connect the recovery drive & turn on your PC.

Press Windows logo key + L lớn get lớn the sign-in screen, và then restart your PC by pressing the Shift key while you select the Power  button> Restart in the lower-right corner of the screen.

Your PC will restart in the Windows Recovery Environment (Win
RE) environment.

On the Choose an option screen, select Troubleshoot, and then select one of the following two options. (If you don’t see the Choose your option screen, your PC might not be mix up lớn boot from a drive. Check your PC manufacturer’s trang web for info on how lớn change your PC’s boot order.)

To restore from a system restore point, select Advanced Options > System Restore. This won"t affect your personal files, but it will remove recently installed apps, drivers, và updates that might be causing your PC problems.

To reinstall Windows 10, select Advanced OptionsRecover from a drive. This will remove your personal files, apps và drivers you installed, and changes you made to lớn settings.

For a limited time after upgrading to lớn Windows 10, you’ll be able lớn go back lớn your previous version of Windows by selecting the Start  button, then select Settings  > Update và Security  > Recovery and then selecting Get started under Go back khổng lồ the previous version of Windows 10. This will keep your personal files, but it"ll remove apps and drivers installed after the upgrade, as well as any changes you made to settings. In most cases, you"ll have 10 days khổng lồ go back. Open Recovery settings

To go back, you"ll need to:

Keep everything in the windows.old & $windows.~bt folders after the upgrade.

Remove any user accounts you added after the upgrade.

Know the password you used lớn sign in to lớn Windows 7 or Windows 8.1 (if you used one).

Have the USB drive you used lớn upgrade to Windows 10 (if you used one).


The option in Settings to go back to your previous version of Windows is only available for a limited time after upgrading.

If you go back lớn Windows 8.1, some apps that came with Windows, like Mail và People, might not work anymore. Khổng lồ fix the apps, reinstall them from the Store.

Apps that have been added, removed, or updated after the upgrade might not be available or function properly after going back to the previous version of Windows.

Info for Windows Insiders

If you’re an Insider and the current preview build isn’t working for you, select the Start  button, then select Settings  > Update & Security  > Recovery . Under Go back to the previous version of Windows 10, select Get Started. This won’t remove your personal files, but it’ll remove recently installed apps & drivers, và change settings back khổng lồ their defaults.

Going back to an earlier build won’t remove you from the Insider Program. When the next preview build is ready, it"ll be installed on your PC.

This option takes your PC back lớn an earlier point in time, called a system restore point. Restore points are generated when you install a new tiện ích or driver, and when you create a restore point manually. Restoring won’t affect your personal files, but it will remove apps, drivers, and updates installed after the restore point was made.

In the tìm kiếm box on the taskbar, type control panel, & then choose it from the danh sách of results

In the Control Panel tìm kiếm box, type recovery.

Select Recovery > Open System Restore.

In the Restore system files và setting box, select Next.

Select the restore point that you want lớn use in the menu of results, & then select Scan for affected programs.


If you don’t see the restore point that you want lớn use, select the Show more restore points check box to see more restore points.

If you’re not seeing any restore points, it might be because system protection isn’t turned on. Here’s how to check:

In the search box on the taskbar, type control panel, và then choose it from the các mục of results.

In the Control Panel tìm kiếm box, type recovery.

Select Recovery > Configure System Restore > Configure & see if the Turn on system protection option is selected.

If the Turn on system protection option is not selected, system protection isn’t turned on and there aren"t any restore points. In this scenario, you won"t be able lớn recover your PC using a system restore point & will need lớn use one of the other recovery options listed on this page.

If the Turn on system protection option is selected, continue with step 6.

You"ll see a danh sách of items that will be deleted if you remove this restore point. If you"re OK with the deletions, select Close > Next > Finish.

If you"re having problems with your PC, you can:

Refresh your PC to reinstall Windows and keep your personal files & settings. Refresh also keeps the apps that came with your PC and the apps you installed from the Store.

Reset your PC to reinstall Windows but delete your files, settings, và apps—except for the apps that came with your PC.

Restore your PC to undo recent system changes you"ve made.

If you"re having trouble starting (booting) your PC, see Windows Startup Settings (including safe mode), and go to lớn the “Get to Windows Startup Settings in the Windows Recovery Environment” section. You can refresh, reset, or restore your PC from the Windows Recovery Environment.

If you want lớn back up & restore your personal files, see Back up your Windows PC.

Before you start khổng lồ refresh or reset your PC

In most cases, once you start to refresh or reset your PC, it’ll finish on its own. However, if Windows needs missing files, you’ll be asked khổng lồ insert recovery media, which is typically on a DVD disc or thumb drive. If that happens, what you’ll need depends on your PC.

If your PC came with Windows 8.1 or Windows RT 8.1, you’ll need the discs or thumb drive that came with your PC. Check the info that came with your PC to lớn see if your PC manufacturer provided these discs or media. In some cases, you might have created them when you first set up your PC.

If you don’t have either of those, you can make them if you have a USB thumb drive of 16 GB or larger. Having a recovery drive can help you troubleshoot & fix problems with your PC, even if it won’t start. For more info, see Create a USB recovery drive.

If you upgraded your PC to lớn Windows 8.1 or Windows RT 8.1 with a DVD, use that disc. If you don’t have Windows 8.1 or Windows RT 8.1 media, liên hệ

Refresh, reset, or restore

Select any of the following for more detailed info.